Monday, November 15, 2010

Famous Actor, Infamous Politician?

Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger has again proved us RIGHT when it comes to politics and mula. He proposed on Friday according to The Los Angeles Times that, “waiting is not an option” and that over the next year and a half, there shall be more , “cuts, cuts, cuts; budget cuts.” To top it off, when he took the freedom to call a special session the day incoming legislators are sworn in on December 6th, he also stated that, “ the bottom line is we can only lead horse to water” which I found hilarious because not only did it have grammatical errors but also compare citizens to a horse?, okay? Not only is the guy governor, but he is pretty funny and political. He should be in political cartoons, wait, he is! No wondering why that may be but Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger, as a former actor that you once were, I give you the best of compliments to having the Levi’s enough to stand up as a politician after knowing nothing of it. Hard-ride-roller-coasting experience you had, huh?

Sarah Palin's Republican Book Tour

The Los Angeles Times has made it big, now that they have two stories that collide in similarities! Two politicians, not too well known for being good politicians but for having been criticized, are both on book tours. This story is Sarah Palin’s! As I had just finished with my George W. Bush story about his great Book Tour debut after being in his cave for so long, here comes Sarah Palin with a book of her own. See a pattern here? Sarah Palin has not only wrote a book called,  America By Heart but she has also set forth to promoting it in Republican states, thirteen of them, which in fact says a lot about the woman. She has taken huge steps in politics as in the former appearance she made at the Republican Party’s Reagan Day fundraising dinner which just adds to her joyous looks, personality, and most of all her “inspiring” actions to many Americans. Srah Palin has guts I say, because not only has she gone through so much political criticism after running in office but she has the skinny jeans to propose to herself to write a book and have the cover be filled by her face. Not many people like Sarah Palin but let me tell you, the woman has cajones and that's what counts. Well for now, until I read her book, (which may not happen, ever) that is my opinion, yet the whole Republican tour business is sorta not fitting in.,0,4071387.story

Democrats Drop Out

Nancy Pelosi has taken the reigns in the Democratic fight for House leadership. She has not swung back and expects for Democratic reign to be achieved in 2012. As Democratic votes yet have to be seen she has turned back and waited. James E. Clyburn in a letter to democratic colleagues assured them a promising place in the House as he said, “allows us to begin the journey back to a stronger and more resilient majority.” He gave hopes to his colleagues by reassuring them that they must build their majority by communicating with the majority; African American, Asian, and Latino communities. As for Nancy Pelosi, she will surrender the gavel in January to expected speaker of the House, Republican, John A. Boehner. Truth be told, that Clyburn does have a point. He strongly believes that these communities must be communicated with and I definitely agree. Major communities such as these have to be gained first by respect and actions and sure enough if democrats put their mind into it, they will sure have their Democratic speaker back in the House in no time.,0,4692180.story

Bush's Come Back

George W. Bush, after returning from exile on a book tour, stated, “Don’t get used to it” as he has plans on “heading back underground” which I thought was amazingly jaw dropping funny. His book, Decision Points has gained not only awes but also with harsh critiques in which he is described as “a man who left office with dismal approval ratings.” George W. Bush has shown no sign of wanting to return to politics nor has he shown his enthusiasm towards writing his own book. He was questioned about Obama’s presidency and had no comment, no argument, no reply, no nothing. As he next sets out to return to his cave, George W. Bush’s , The Bush Institute has yet not given up. They are working on promoting, global health, human freedom, education reform, and economic growth. The initiative they are planning to take is to start with healthcare plans for pregnant women in African and Asian countries. Former President according to his representatives and friends say, that he would like to be remembered for his two non infamous goals, The No Child Left Behind law and the effort to combat disease and poverty in Africa. The most interesting thing in this entire article to me was his statement to Lauer. He stated, “I have no desire to debate” and followed it up with, “ My debating days are over.”,0,6775609.story

NATO Troops Sleyed in Afghanistan

The report written by Laura King and Aimal Yaqoubi for the Los Angeles Times on November 14, was one of the few who caught my attention especially because after having set neutral peace in Afghanistan for a month or so, there were reports by NATO that five of their troops were slayed. To top it off, it was also said that the envoy, Abdul Khaliq Farahi, was released  in eastern Afghanistan after being kidnapped two years ago. So far, over the pat few months there have been three fatalities in the east and two in the south. Having American troops in Afghanistan has disturbed the population there and so have the casualty population as Americans are the majority in deaths. This affects the way Americans in the United States think since they aren’t guaranteed that troops are safe before their grand approach back home. On going deaths in Afghanistan only gives hopes to a new war with no absolute meaning. More deaths can conclude in assumption to revenge and then war. Having troops there until 2011 makes things much more tense and unreliable for the American government. The government is fed off of citizens confidence and having none would be fatal.,0,7106719.story